Page name: REAL Virgin Pride [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-21 21:44:41
Last author: Boomnesss
Owner: Analeyin
# of watchers: 26
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Welcome to REAL Virgin Pride

For those annoyed that Virgin Pride doesn't fit their expectations, their personal creed, or viewpoints... Plus, we have banners! This is the list for those whose moral integrity, or moral code rather, leads them to take pride in their virginity. (If this wording is offensive to anyone, feel free to message me, [Analeyin].)

REAL Virgin Banners Please donate!


[Analeyin] - Founder and member one
[~*~Tethryn~*~] Second member and i second this wiki
[RabidSphinx] I guess i'm the third member, and I am just a sad little virgin looking for her place in this world...
[Whim] Don't question my virginity. It is absolute.
[Tesa] Virgin till marriage, or till death!^^
[Dint] I'm a virgin and darn proud of it! Hoorah for [Analeyin] for making this wiki! :D
[Allen Barrec]
[You deserve each tear that falls.]i made a promise to myself in 02 that i will save my self to marrige....and i will never break that promise
[*Your Lady Of Sorrows*]uh oh!
[Synthetic Ecstasy]
[Fallen Redemption]
[electric butterflys]
[Samm] My Virginity is my gift and you better be one hell of a guy before you'll get it!
[Mr. Werewolf] I'm waiting for marriage...
[zephyre] VIRGIN AND PROUD!!... I'm waiting for marriage ^_^
[chicl3tt] I don't know what I'm waiting for. I'm waiting for that one special person...whether it happens because i know they're the one or if i decide to wait for marriage...i'll stay a virgin until that one special person...marriage or not :)
[Wolley] I believe in saving myself for the one I love. ^__^
[Cyril] *waits for The One*
[Sabrina Catherine] I am a virgin.... but a part of me wishes it wasn't so...
[Mania Rage] heh.
[battle_droid] Virgin, and staying that way until my wedding day!
[Razberri] Proud to be a virgin!
[Imriella De' Aladinia]
[Love like Winter.] I'm a virgin, and I am what I am, so I suspose I'll join too :D
[Funny Bunny] I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way until my wedding night!
[an_evil_admirer] ^^
[The girl of your dreams] i'm waiting on the boy of my dreams. I may die a virgin but at least I know I won't be the only one!
[Ellyn] - Sex is a sacred God-given gift, and should be had with the one and only that you plan to live with and love until your dieing day (that is, after you are married). Virgin 'til marriage or death.
[jo has gone]
[bribri] I made a promise to myself when I was twelve that I was going to save myself till after I was married
[Scorched Sun] I'm saving myself for Mr.Right the one with the three karats lol
[I AM WILLIAM HUNG]-*embraces V-Card*
[♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥] i plan to stay a virgi fer a LONG time
[Beautiful Brunette] u might not believe it but its true!
[dramaqueen] waiting for maraige
[emo=shit] proud to be a virgin
[Spoon-chan]-virgin and nobody can say anything else
[xXxerinxXx -love shack-]super proud =)(the sn name is a joke)
[I love Blayne!! With all of my heart!!]
[wretched-reaper] virgin and its stayin that way
[withered_rose] im proud to do it my way
[hua]I'm proud to be a virgin and want to keep it that way for years to come.
[-ringlet chick-] Proud virgin waiting for marriage
[HorniePonie] Eym virgin n proud ov it!1
[flawed_angel]I am a virgin and i am so proud of it!!! There till i'm married!!! *~LOVE IT~*
[Waiting in Vain] Im a freaking virgin!!!ta-da
[Twisted Illiusionist] I will stay a virgin until my spouse and
I are ready!!
[deleted by the guards] yes!!!!
[NeZ TeZ] proud to be one
[Nympho Goddess's Virgin Slut] Virginity is something sacred to be shared with the one you love on your wedding night.
[Destiny_Faith]I'm a virgin and don't know why, it just happened that way. 19 yrs and going strong.
[Titty Clamps] I'm a virgin, baybee!! *gropes v-card*
[\\MiX3D::MäMii//] VIRGIN PRIDE!
[{Donut}]till i'm married !!!
[Far from grace] i have been this way for 16 years whats another 16
[Goodbye Fuckers!]
[YOU r the result of evolution? sad..]i am a virgin and proud of it too!i kno alot of ppl who respect me more for it!!!yay me!!!
[The Witch's Cat]I may have a boyfreind, but I'll stay a virgin until marrige, no matter how much I love him.
[raffle ticket] waiting for a ring, baby! ^_^
[Courtney_ReaAnn]virgin and proud i wont lose it to be accepted,im keeping it so im respected
[Whiskers] Waiting for the right one =}
[;] Im proud of being a virgin, its the best gift any girl can give to her husband in my opinion.
[James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!] Most people are surprised I'm on this list. Probably 'cuz im so damn sexy.
[Boomnesss] ^_^ I believe in waiting till marriage


[The Dark Lord]- Hey im no virgin but fairplay i support you all the way and i hate braggers, its not big to brag about not being one!

[Young J.C.] I just support now. I support all the theories each and one of you may have on why you still have your virginity. And I also support the sense and ability to control yourselves.

[The Skeleton In Your Closet] im not a virgin and i made a mistake, i am now a father, i was 17 when i had jack and it ruined my education and chances for a decent career...i love him like hell and wouldent change it for the world but i know what it can do.... i wouldent want anyone to make the same mistake as me

[Shael]- Figure I should stick my name up here someplace...Virgin supporter, yup, yup.
[Miss BettyBoop] I truly want to be wed in white!
[risky] Not a virgin, though I have planned all my life to be until my wedding. Anyone thinking of giving it up needs to rethink. You have probably heard this a million times, but there is a reason for that. TRUST ME... it is not worth it.
[YOU r the result of evolution? sad..]i support this w/ every ounce of my being!

[Waterdawg]-same thing with Hearts Are Broken Everyday. Don't believe a boy when he says he loves you. Chances are he's trying hard just to get in your pants. I know from experience. Sorry to be cold but it's the truth. Virginity is a TURN ON For guys so keep it!!!!!! Sadly over 50% of females loose their virginity in Highschool, most loose it after, and only about 5% wait until they are married. If you do loose it, there is such thing as a second virginity-you realize you screwed up and you promise not to do it again. At least this time I've found a MAN who respects my morals.

[FireGypsy] Wait for the right person. The one who loves you for who you are and plans on staying with you for a long time. Be proud of your virginity and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Making true love for the first time is a beautiful thing, make sure it is with the one you truly love.

[Beloved Promise] not a virgin anymore (finally by consent) and I've got a beautiful baby boy out of it :) So I am now a supporter.


[zoloftzantac] - The hangarounds section was sad and empty so ...
[BlindGuardian] - (Followed [zoloftzantac] till here) I neither support virginity nor non-virginity, but good reasons for choosing. Therefore I created Lovers Pride, if anyone changes your mind, or if you know someone proud of choosing differently.


43) Which RVP banner (REAL Virgin Banners) do you use/like best? (Administrator: [Analeyin])

Number of voters: 41
* a) Banner 1 (White Narcissus/Daffodil)
Number of votes: 10 (24%) Voters: [Analeyin], [Young J.C.], [lochness], [out of control], [Scorched Sun], [..Gone..], [I AM WILLIAM HUNG], [death how i long to embrace you], [SilentScream], [FireGypsy]

* b) Banner 2 (Daisies)
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Wolley], [RabidSphinx]

* c) Banner 3 (Virgin Mary)
Number of votes: 6 (15%) Voters: [Tesa], [Dint], [battle_droid], [Ellyn], [Quo Vadis], [Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric]

* d) Banner 4 (Wedding Chapel)
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Allen Barrec], [Blood_lover17]

* e) Banner 5 (Wedding Kiss)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* f) Banner 6 (White Rose)
Number of votes: 14 (34%) Voters: [Cyril], [Sabrina Catherine], [LastHope], [Love like Winter.], [Aurea], [blackroseashes], [The girl of your dreams], [Shael], [Panda-monium], [Miss BettyBoop], [flawed_angel], [{{Brittney}}], [RIFT KEEPER], [soo_almighty]

* g) Banner 7 (Virgo)
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Twisted Illiusionist]

* h) No Banner
Number of votes: 3 (7%) Voters: [Iron-wulf], [Larova], [{Donut}]

* i) Banner 8 (Red Badge)
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [~*~Tethryn~*~]

* j) Banner 9 (Sexy Women -Small)
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [bribri], [Nympho Goddess's Virgin Slut]

* k) Banner 10 (Sexy Women -Large)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* l) I use more than one!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

~RVP Debate Room

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2005-05-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ....

2005-05-03 [Analeyin]: you "...." a lot, don't you?

2005-05-04 [Larova]: ...

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: Hey, I'm not complaining, I '...' way too much for my own good as well...

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: and, [Larova], fyi, no more smuggling giffie-pets into RVP, okay? Thank you much! <(^_^)>

2005-05-04 [Larova]: I owns them all. I catched them all.

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: Hehe... OOooookiedokie... *shrugs* [Anvikit] will have your neck, you know...

2005-05-04 [Larova]: Oh, he will have THIS! <img:>

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: First off, [Anvikit] is a girl, and secondly, everyone knows you shouldn't drive/ride down the middle! >.<

2005-05-04 [Larova]: Damn. But she will. I owns the petses AND the badass stormtrooper.

2005-05-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: she can also have some of this!! <img:>

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: Coconuts, that's just annoying.

2005-05-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i think its funny

2005-05-04 [Analeyin]: It is funny... If you put it up once. I got rid of the first one and the second is in better context, methinks.

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh, i didnt know i put it up more than once..sorry

2005-05-05 [Analeyin]: Meh, not a problem. Not a problem at all!

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: okay...*rubs eyes* im tired...i's going to bed now...

2005-05-05 [Analeyin]: Okiedokie. g'night. I have to study for my APUS/AHAP test on Friday.

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: kay, good luck, and good night!

2005-05-05 [Larova]: pssssst... Yeah, you. Coconuts. Do you believe what this [Analeyin] character is telling you? No, you only put it up there once. I smell conspiracy.

2005-05-05 [bribri]: *laughs*

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *sniffs air* definately stinky...

2005-05-05 [Analeyin]: *sniffs* Smells kind-of like coconut-lime hand lotion to me... Oh wait! It is me!

2005-05-05 [LastHope]: Hi All! Can you guys take a look at this DOWN WITH KFC what they do to Chickens are so evil!

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: interesting...but what the heck...i'll go look!

2005-05-05 [LastHope]: tahnk you! I mean what they do to thm...It's so wroung.

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yeah it is..they cut of their beaks?

2005-05-05 [LastHope]: yep...and do lots of other stuf to them...It so sad to know there are poeple out there doing that...

2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i know...i have to go now though...*cries*

2005-05-05 [LastHope]: I could add you?

2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: sure...

2005-05-06 [LastHope]: eh?

2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: thats yes

2005-05-06 [Aurea]: This is interesting. I'm hacing issues with that [down with kfc] wiki... Well, I guess it's not just the wiki. It's the fact that the places the links lead to are poorly organized. I'm having trouble finding half of the torture that these chickens are going through. Oh, never mind...

2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yeah its a little strange but they have good intentions, keladry

2005-05-06 [bribri]: i like chicken....

2005-05-07 [bribri]: but yeah they are cruel...

2005-05-07 [Beloved Promise]: I hate chicken. The joy of being a vegan!!

2005-05-07 [Love like Winter.]: Yay! join my Viva vegetarianism! then :D

2005-05-07 [Beloved Promise]: add me... i got shit to deal with right now

2005-05-07 [Love like Winter.]: Oh, okie :)

2005-05-07 [..Gone..]: ...

2005-05-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *poops*

2005-05-07 [bribri]: eww not again..

2005-05-07 [..Gone..]: O.o

2005-05-07 [bribri]: oh wait...that was someone

2005-05-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *it comes out*

2005-05-07 [bribri]: lol

2005-05-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *wipes*

2005-05-07 [bribri]: *barfs* sickness...

2005-05-08 [Larova]: Chickens taste good.

2005-05-08 [bribri]: i had fried chicken for dinner...but it wasnt KFC...w00t

2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: I was never a member of the other wiki, what's the difference?

2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: *glances at other site* Oh...

2005-05-09 [Beloved Promise]: *gags* they tried to feed me meat... I'm going to go shoot myself now. good bye

2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: huh?

2005-05-09 [Beloved Promise]: They tried to feed me meat... I'm vegan and i'm going to go shoot myself...

2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: ok...

2005-05-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: UP THE BUTT!!!

2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: *refrains from commenting*

2005-05-09 [..Gone..]: hmm hmm hmm....

2005-05-11 [Avarion]: Hi. I'm not a member or anything, but I'd like to ask a question: which of your expectations (in general) do you feel aren't met by Virgin Pride?

2005-05-11 [..Gone..]: lol

2005-05-12 [Aurea]: You're kidding me, right?

2005-05-12 [..Gone..]: I hope so...

2005-05-12 [Panda-monium]: I didn't know either, till I took one look at the site.

2005-05-12 [..Gone..]: Yes, it isn't... righ... I guess you would say.

2005-05-12 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ?oye?

2005-05-12 [..Gone..]: @*%# ???

2005-05-13 [Panda-monium]: o.O

2005-05-13 [..Gone..]: O.o

2005-05-13 [Panda-monium]: So anyways.....

2005-05-13 [Gone4eva]: hi

2005-05-13 [Panda-monium]: heylo

2005-05-13 [Young J.C.]: It's nice to see all the new supporters and virgins.

2005-05-13 [Panda-monium]: I guess so.

2005-05-13 [Analeyin]: It is indeed! Welcome [Miss BettyBoop]!

2005-05-14 [Analeyin]: Welcome [dramaqueen]!

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: Welcome [emo=shit] and [Spoon-chan]!

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: wow...

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: I like welcoming everyone!

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: I know, I just meant no one ever answered.

2005-05-17 [..Gone..]: lol

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: Meh, true enough, but not everyone watches this page, so how would they know?

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: Well they should if they join a wiki.

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: I think so too (at least that's what I do), but most people either can't be bothered by the little reminders or just aren't concerned about what actually happens on the page after they have their banners/badges.

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: I know, 'tis annoying.

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: It is indeed.

2005-05-17 [..Gone..]: SOme wiki's dont even have anyone talking though, so there's no point really.

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: True, but this wiki hasn't been dormant THAT long, has it?

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: I know not. I just got here.

2005-05-17 [..Gone..]: Me too.

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: hehe

2005-05-17 [Analeyin]: Meow! I have to go for a bit. Type to you all soon *rereading, that sounds really corny*.

2005-05-17 [Panda-monium]: hehe, it's okie

2005-05-20 [bribri]: I AM BACK FROM BEING GROUNDED w00t!

2005-05-21 [Panda-monium]: awesome

2005-05-28 [Analeyin]: Hi guys! Long time no type! New badge-thingy to pic from. I rather like it... and it's little.

2005-05-28 [..Gone..]: its pretty

2005-06-07 [Analeyin]: Welcome [Coco caca]!

2005-06-07 [Beloved Promise]: WELCOME EVERY NEW PERSON!!

2005-06-07 [Analeyin]: That's a way to put it too!

2005-06-07 [Beloved Promise]: Well i used to just type WELCOME EVERYONE but i haven't been on here forever... so yeah

2005-06-08 [Gone4eva]: thats what she said

2005-06-08 [bribri]: i looove the new badges

2005-06-08 [Gone4eva]: yeah i know

2005-06-17 [Gone4eva]: fine

2005-06-18 [Analeyin]: fine? What is fine?

2005-06-21 [Gone4eva]: you know

2005-06-21 [Analeyin]: Okay...

2005-06-23 [Aurea]: Oh my goodness! I just realized that I wasn't a member. I've been watching this page for... forever, but I never actually signed up until just now! Silly me...

2005-06-23 [..Gone..]: O.o

2005-06-23 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: way to go keladry way to go

2005-06-23 [bribri]: haha thats sounds like something i would do...

2005-06-23 [Gone4eva]: sure

2005-06-23 [Beloved Promise]: WELCOME TO EVERYONE!

2005-06-24 [Analeyin]: Yay! Celtic, you beat me to it... Welcome [Aurea], [-ringlet chick-], and whoever [rurouni kitsune] is... Have to look in the prv versions and fix that... So... How've everyone's lives been going?

2005-06-24 [Aurea]: I don't need a formal welcoming! I've been here for months!!! ANYWAYS... I'm heading off to band camp tomorrow, so my life is feeling pretty peachy right now... (albeit geeky)

2005-06-24 [Analeyin]: Geeky is good, I say! Got back from National History Day Competition in DC a few days ago... packing, seeing as we have to move in 2 weeks and something, still don't have a house down there... it's humid and hot and I wish screens actually did what they were supposed to do, but otherwise happy! I got 7 really nice faery cards today. I collect wierd stuff..

2005-06-24 [Beloved Promise]: My life has been shite... O.o'... My fiance don't call as much and if he does it's not really about anything. Uh my friend [Adam's Song] says that i'm pregnant... O.o" but i'm still a virgin... My fiance says that if i am that it's not his... which i know it's not... and my friend [Adam's Song] tried to shoot himself last night... so yeha.... that's not all but yeah

2005-06-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I went to a car show

2005-06-24 [..Gone..]: In St.Ignace?

2005-06-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *gasp* HOW DID YOU KNOW?!

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: I was there last night... o.O

2005-06-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: you were?! OH!! Maybe I saw you! Did you walk the municipal building?

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: Hmm... the one by the Chinese resteraunt?

2005-06-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yeah...kinda, well there was a group of girls sitting on the ledge...did you see em!?

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: No... I was with some friends... hmm... whats your name? I may know you

2005-06-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: my name's brittany...what's yours

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: Britany what I mean? Or what you loo like?

2005-06-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: why?!

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: Because I know like 3 britany's. My name's Jen.

2005-06-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: does "york" ring a bell?

2005-06-25 [..Gone..]: I just realized the Britany's I know.. well I dont kow their last names :S lol

2005-06-26 [Analeyin]: Welcome [HorniePonie]! Celt, if you bother reading this, you know there's still a cubby-full of our care and concern for you...

2005-06-26 [Beloved Promise]: I don't think that anyone truley cares about me... save my fiance..

2005-06-27 [Analeyin]: ... maybe because you don't let them...

2005-06-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I gotta sun burn....on MY FEET

2005-06-27 [Gone4eva]: i have a sun burn also

2005-06-27 [Analeyin]: I burned twice in my entire existence: my shoulders this year and my nose last.

2005-06-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ergh....the suck >.<

2005-06-27 [Gone4eva]: i seem to brun once a year.

2005-06-27 [Analeyin]: Meh, I barely ever burn, I tan... my extremities are looking very brown.

2005-06-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I'm so RED...

2005-06-27 [..Gone..]: I'm still pale >.< Usually I tan good, but not now...

2005-06-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and I still don't know who you are...

2005-06-27 [..Gone..]: lol and I dont know who you are...

2005-06-27 [Beloved Promise]: If you've gone through the shit i have... You don't readily trust anyone... Not even your own fiance

2005-06-27 [Analeyin]: *shrugs*

2005-06-27 [Beloved Promise]: *shrugs* fuck it... I have to go do some shit anyways... If i'm not on again don't worry about me

2005-06-28 [Gone4eva]: i dont tan i go pink or burn, my mom say it has to do with are far Irish skin.

2005-06-28 [bribri]: maybe that's why i'm so pale...i have a bit of Irish in me....*wonders*

2005-06-28 [..Gone..]: I have Irish too... hmm... maybe that is why o.O

2005-06-28 [bribri]: i have a weird mix....native american on my dad's side and irish and scottish on my mom's side....but they both only have some themselves...

2005-06-28 [..Gone..]: I have cherokee, irish, scottish on my dads, and german and polish on my moms...

2005-06-28 [bribri]: thats cool...the tribe on my dads side is mostly Choctaw but i think there's some Cherokee too

2005-06-28 [..Gone..]: I think there's only like a tad of it in me..

2005-06-28 [Beloved Promise]: I've got Irish and Scottish on my dad's side and italian on my moms... even tho i never talk to them

2005-06-29 [Analeyin]: I'm basically all Romanian... wow. How interesting, no? I might have some Hungarian from my dad's side and maybe some Ukrainian from my mom's side... then again, I have Dacian and Mongol blood too... All part of being Romanian! <(^_^)>

2005-06-30 [bribri]: cool

2005-06-30 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: my grandparents have been living under the impression that we were native great uncle got his blood tested, and it turns out we're PORTUAGESE...heh..I never would've imagined that

2005-06-30 [bribri]: thats kinda funny....but cool

2005-06-30 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: It's weird...they even had indian cards...

2005-06-30 [Beloved Promise]: hey... will everyone go give my friend air ([Adam's Song]) your condolences... her brother Nox (who owned the account) killed himself on June 29 of this year. Thank you

2005-06-30 [bribri]: omg thats horrible!!!

2005-06-30 [Beloved Promise]: yeah... dunno if y'all wanna know what happened but yeah

2005-06-30 [bribri]: i read his memorial and commented...that is so terrible!!

2005-06-30 [Beloved Promise]: yeah. Now i have to go and we are going to divide up all his stuff... mostly just daggers and yeah

2005-06-30 [bribri]: omg that sucks so bad...i'm really sorry :'(

2005-06-30 [Beloved Promise]: thanks

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *cries* that makes me sad.......

2005-07-01 [Panda-monium]:

Canada's Day

2005-07-01 [Love like Winter.]: o,O uh?

2005-07-01 [Panda-monium]: *sighs* It's like Independence Day, but in CANADA

2005-07-01 [Love like Winter.]: Ooooh right. N.Ireland sucks... We don't have days like that. And the americains celebrate St. Patrick's Day more than we do... lol.

2005-07-01 [Panda-monium]: :P:P Not just American's, Canadians do as well.

2005-07-01 [Love like Winter.]: See? See?! Ugh! You guys get St. Paddys day off school and work. We (in N.Ireland) don't! Go figure...

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I don't get St. Patricks day off here in michigan

2005-07-01 [Beloved Promise]: Canada day kicks ass!! O.o' Hey panda... u going to the fireworks? And we don't get it in my city for St. Paddys day... Never have... not even when i lived in Limerick

2005-07-01 [bribri]: we dont get off for st patricks day in north carolina or alabama

2005-07-01 [Love like Winter.]: Some states do... Which is more to be said for where I live...

2005-07-02 [Analeyin]: I don't get St. Pat's day off either... my 2 cents. Welcome [KittySaysMeow54].


2005-07-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: holy hiawatha lots of people are joining

2005-07-03 [Love like Winter.]: Woot! Sha... They say at lest 2/3 of all under 16 year olds are still virgens (in the UK at lest). So, if your under 16 and have lost your virgenity, your the minority.... What confusses me is that your always made to feel like its the majority of people who have had sex. Its pretty lame.

2005-07-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I'm a virgin...

2005-07-03 [Love like Winter.]: Yay.

2005-07-03 [bribri]: w00t i am

2005-07-06 [Analeyin]: Welcome [flawed_angel]...

2005-07-06 [flawed_angel]: hi !! and may i say i never knew that there were so many virgins our age!! Proud of you all!

2005-07-06 [Analeyin]: lots... I think the same figure pretty much holds true for the US, or maybe it's higher... I'll have to look it up sometime.

2005-07-06 [flawed_angel]: wow i am amazed and proud to be a true virgin!

2005-07-06 [Beloved Promise]: WELCOME [Waiting in Vain] AND EVERYONE ELSE!!

2005-07-06 [..Gone..]: o.O I almost lost my virginity last night... o.O

2005-07-06 [Beloved Promise]: O.o' Tell me the story!! Pwease?

2005-07-06 [..Gone..]: o.O not a big one. simple. came an inch close to getting raped. the end...

2005-07-06 [Beloved Promise]: O.o' That's big!! *tackles and huggles* But if you get raped it's not considered losing your virginity

2005-07-06 [..Gone..]: I know, but still

2005-07-06 [Analeyin]: Welcome [Waiting in Vain]! Wow, Ashes... *gives support hug*

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